Every few months I see an advertisement for some new app or website that can “save you money” on car insurance, but are they REALLY the best place to go to find the best deal?

It’s really hit or miss…and they usually want to you to provide a ton of information and sign over your first born before they give you a quote. Half the time you don’t even know if the site is legit or if they are safely storing your data and protecting it from hackers (they probably aren’t…nobody is really).

Check out this post on how to protect your data. 

So where IS the best place to go to get the best rate on car insurance? 

Surprisingly, it’s a pretty old school solution. So, prepare yourself, because you might have to *gasp* talk to someone ON THE PHONE.

But it will be worth it, at least it SHOULD be worth it. These are the places I found actually save you the most:

  1. Mortgage brokers
    ○ AAA has brokers, but they don’t offer the cheapest rates in my area because they don’t work with Erie
    ○ They may get you a good rate with “geico” but you know in a year geico will be hiking the price up – so if you go with them, set a reminder 11 months out to shop for insurance again. That gives you a month to shop and you should have your renewal paperwork by then with the new policy quote.
  2. Group rates through an employer – if you are lucky enough to have an employer that contracts for a group rate with an insurance company, it’s usually worth at least checking with them to see if they can give you a quote that’s competitive.

If you like this post, check out The 12 BEST Ways to Save on Car Insurance